Annette Bray

Free Your Body

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By Annette Bray 08 Oct, 2024
In the realm of somatic awareness, a resource is any mechanism of finding safety/well-being within your body. In my experience, sadly, I find that so few people know that this state is even within their power to create. We tend to habitually relinquish our experience of well-being to forces outside of us. We can be so vigilant in relation to our environment, that any pain in the physical or emotional body predominates our perception of how we feel. When truthfully, if we scan our entire internal environment, there is health and good function alongside the dis-ease that's getting our attention. So the ability to learn how to resource yourself in your body and mind is a precious tool in accessing health even when we don't feel good. And it's not just a distraction, the habit of resourcing can lead to physiologic changes that dampen gene expression that cause ill-health, and stimulate gene expression that heals the body. There are potentially hundreds, if not thousands of ways to resource your body/mind. The practice of mindfully paying attention to your surroundings without judgement is an access point to your internal well-being. Tracking the movement of breath in your body is another. Noticing how your body is supported by the foundation of your seat, or even mother earth beneath you are resources. I know they sound very simple, but when you come to know safety within, through these resources, your world can change dramatically. Do you want to practice this me? You can start by joining be early this Friday, Live on FB to do just this. Or schedule a free 30 minute consultation and I can point you in the right direction. I wish you a beautiful week and looking forward to engaging with you in the near futrue :)
By Annette Bray 30 Sep, 2024
When I assess the movement of my clients, a common physical pattern I will witness is a "hardening" along the body's anterior (front). It shows up mostly in the thighs, hips and chest, but can certainly present anywhere along this anterior. It tends to result in tight quadriceps, iliopsoas (hip flexor)rectus abdominus (six pack muscles), pecs and the fascia related to these muscle groups. The weakness (and dysfunction) that results is in the hamstrings, gluts and spinal erectors (long muscles of the back). My theory about what creates this physical behavior (for many people), is a mental drive to push and force things to happen. In the body, that originates from the compensatory action of forcing from the front side. When we start using our innate capacity to move forward from our back line (back side muscle/fascia network), we engage the integrity that is our natural design. You become the force that you were designed to emanate. There is effort to it, but rather that pushing from the front where your strength is very limited in this way, you drive from the back side that was created to move you forward. You can feel the joy and assuredness when you move from this back line pattern. It takes a somatic process of opening the front and re-connecting to the power that is the back know the feeling of you as the force. It's amazing for me to teach this way of being in the body. And I'd love to support you if this calls to you. Please message me here ...or schedule a free 30 minute consultation to zero in on your needs and the path forward.
By Annette Bray 23 Sep, 2024
We live in these bodies that have so much capacity for ever expanding expression. Sadly, we tend to be unaware that this exists within us. We are sensing beings and it's through these inputs that we can tune into the lifeforce internally where we access innate power. Not power over anyone else, but power to create the most authentic, caring and self-assured version of yourself. I'm going to go out on a limb here as I relate this to the human biomechanical design and my experience of feeling. When we are aligned in our form and engage the patterns of muscle action that perpetuate this alignment, we feel strong and relieved from pain. When you are not in this physical and emotional alignment you can feel the fragility. A big part of our movement design is to move forward by being propelled by the synchronized action our back side. And doesn't moving forward through time and space guided by your own motor feel powerful? And what is missing from most people's function in the hind of our anatomy is the gluts. Yep, a weak butt can cause us to feel a total lack of connection and agency over our body. It translates into a feeling. And...perhaps the feeling is where it all began. When we don't hold our own self-perception of strength it can show in the way we carry ourselves through the world. So we can play with unveiling the emotion that causes it and embody power when we know the how of engaging it. And from my anatomy background, using those gluts is one of my favorite things to teach :) Join me on Friday on FB live as I teach this. And of course, reach out and schedule a free 30 minute consult if this aligns with you. Wishing you well...
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